Monday, April 2, 2007

Queen of the Slipstream strikes again

Me again,
Talking about slipstreams, in their many guises. Tonight, I was Queen of the Slipstream, par exellence! Didn't slipstream myself though, which I think was a good thing. However, in 4 different phone conversations, I slipstreamed friends I have just located after a 20 year absence. Not bad! And only one of them commented that I haven't changed a bit! Now that just shows that he was paying attention 20 years ago too.
Human conversational dynamics are strange and curious things. Always fluid, evolving, and depending on the engagers, intensely creative. I could speak at great length about dynamics between introverts and extroverts on the telephone together, but count on you, my reader, to feel satiated with others outpourings. I could also regale the dynamics between two extroverts, or two introverts for that matter, but the same reasoning for not doing so remains the same. I would rather talk about the magic that happens when two people who really like each other talk on the phone after not talking together for over 20 years.
After tentative beginnings, both friends find the common ground they each remember, and the base energy of their chat changes dramatically. Suddenly, they are making plans to see each other, working out ways to accomplish that, giggling, slipstreaming each other as memories and questions come tumbling out of areas of their minds that have held them in check for all these long years. Transformation takes place in each of them, and although they know that they can now call each other whenever they want, having made contact again, there is an acute reluctance to end the conversation. Little pauses occur as the time goes on, each of them grappling in their minds for another question to ask, another sweet memory to recount, another topic of mutual interest to raise. Neither one of them wants the warm and fuzzy feeling of finding each other to end, but life in their individual worlds is going on without them and they need to come back to that. The magic that is going on will continue even after they hang up the phone, as they will not be able to keep quiet to anyone in their vicinity.
And if those who are required to listen dare to attempt a slipstream - beware!

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